Sunday, October 28, 2007

fear is your only god?

what is prayer?... it unleashes Gods's power so that he is able to work in our behalf. ..prayer opens the channels of God's blessing...prayer is how God accomplishes the things that he wants to see happen in our lives, and in the lives of others...prayer opens new doors of opportunity for God to move in...yeah i do pray..but i don't go to church that often don't think i've lost faith in God...i just don't go to church..but i do pray..pray almost all the me, praying is when you are fully focused to God..not when you're in church and checking out other people..i'm not blaming churches's just our instincts and we always give in to temptations...anyway, prayer needs 100% well if not, 90% of our minds to fully focus while talking to God..not just simply say the words while your mind wanders around...yeah i know that's difficult, that's why we are all humans...i guess God understands why we are all like matter what we do, we'll always remember God...that's why we will say those famous 3 words...

cheers ;)

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